We are fully licensed/insured with over 30 years’ experience in the industry. We only provide independent, professional, and unbiased information on the condition of all properties & Council Assets. All our inspections and reports are in accordance with Australian Standards AS. 4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements.
A post Dilapidation Survey Report, special purpose property report should only be undertaken by a Professional Building Surveyor.
Our final Dilapidation report provides a visual assessment of a Buildings/Council Assets on completion of all construction works. Any changes are identified and recorded in our report. The post-inspection can be used to repair and make good any damage and also preventing any future disputes. The majority of Builders and Contractors organize both a pre and post dilapidation report.
See also our pre-Dilapidation inspections and reports.
Builders / Contractors & Developers:
The majority of Builders and Contractors organize a post-dilapidation report to ensure they are legally protected in the event something goes wrong or a dispute arises in the future. The post-inspection helps eliminate any traction in the event of a claim for damages from Council and adjoining neighbors etc.
In a post-construction condition survey, a comparison will be made against the dilapidation survey/ pre-construction condition survey.
A Post Dilapidation Survey/Inspection (post-construction property) report undertaken by a qualified building Surveyor/Inspectors will provide independent, professional documents completed in accordance with Australian Standards.
Our reports provide a photographic record of all items to provide proof of their condition on completion of the proposed construction work. Our dilapidation survey/reports avoid lengthy disputes that may occur between property owners and developers and help resolve potential complaints easily.
For more information or to book a Dilapidation / Pre-Construction Inspection/survey and/or Council Assets Inspection in Sydney, call 1300 557 902 or email us at info@abcsurveyors.com.au.